Paper shopping bags are straightforward promotional items. Our A3-sized shopping bags offer an elegant and straightforward style. These branded shopping bags were constructed from synthetic paper. They are therefore of great grade. Additionally, lamination gives it a shiny, bright appearance. They appear matte and colorful as a result. These bags’ vertical surfaces make it easier to hold additional items. There is a rope included for clasping. They are therefore useful gifts for promoting a business. For clothing brands, they are reasonable and affordable branded shopping bags.
It features a screen printing option for adding graphics or logos to them. In addition, the printing is of excellent quality and prints vivid colors. As a result, you can add the name or emblem of the brand to these gifts. You can use them to dispense gifts baskets or treats. They make excellent personalized bags for small businesses. As a result, you can also customize them to give as gifts to your clients and buyers. Wherever they go, they will increase the public’s awareness of your brand.
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made of paper that has been laminated.
dependable, transportable bag
readily available in navy blue.
Vertical surface area for marketing measuring A3.
Dimensions: 44 35 10 cm
The option of screen printing for logo imprinting.
Amazingly personalized bag for marketing purposes.
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