Promotional string bags are inexpensive, high-quality bags. They are widely used by a lot of people because of their lightweight construction. These bags were constructed from polyester. They are powerful, long-lasting, and durable as a result. These branded string bags are also water- and climate-resistant. They are strong despite being lightweight. They can thus transport adequate goods. Additionally, they come in a variety of colors. Therefore, you can select one of your options. The size of these promotional goods is approximately 34 x 42 cm. Therefore, carrying these polyester bags is simple for everyone. For your business or brand, these bags can also be personalized. They are therefore inexpensive products for small firms. Additionally, it has a black, strong string for shoulder attachment. The colorful logo imprinting is offered in two printing styles. These bags are a practical and easy method to advertise a business. Additionally, these corporate gifts are straightforward yet original. These polyester bags are, as we all know, intended for daily use. As a result, you can choose them out as a gift for your pals.
made from a tough polyester fabric.
available in the colors white, light blue, green, navy blue, pink, red, black, orange, and yellow.
Options for logo imprinting include screen and rapid printing.
strong black holding string.
ideal promotional item.
inexpensive corporate gifts for advertising occasions.
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